How do I bridge my philosophical perspectives with my art?

How do I use medium to manifest these ideas into the physical?

q u e s t i o n f l o o w w w w . . . .

How do I bridge my perspective on a crying, dying, hiding humanity?

How do I use medium to express the intense necessity to touch nature, be nature, see nature?

How do I be a voice for Mother Earth, whose heart is breaking more and more every moment?

How do I speak for her? For the field mice? The mighty elk? The ever-knowing owl? The dandelion? The soil?

What will speak this deep desire to have humans touch and feel and embody their true nature?

Is it humans touching nature? Installation pieces of moss & branch & grass & bark for our hands?

Is it imagery of Mother Earths pain? The way she wails at humans disconnection from her?

Is it showing humans the ways in which they resemble nature? The mirror of our flesh?

Desired outcome of work:
For viewers to sensually experience the magic of the natural world and to resonate deeply in oneness. Fostering this would be to accomplish a positive push towards individuals feeling their integral part as a human in the whole of the biosphere.
My perspective troublings:

The current condition of the Anthropocene which centres and pedestals human life, is persisting to a degree where humans have forgotten their inherit place within the bio-sphere.
I think many people are naively (and sometimes ignorantly) unaware of the bounty and beauty of our dear Earth. Also unaware that as humans, we are an integral piece of nature. This often stems systemically from a hierarchal suppression of the power of individuals, the power of community, the power of being connected to nature. Many cultures and religions uphold these ethics of reverence and actively foster connection to the natural world, however many of such have been lost or silenced over hundreds and thousands of years.

In contemporary capitalist society which I am subjected to, there is an emphasis on healthy profits being valued over healthy people. Such agendas have created systems in which people are conditioned to normalizing of mass industries, urban spaces and technological advancements, these things being seen now not only necessary but increasingly saught after. These have become the current state of normal, but I wish to spread a message that because something is normal it does not mean it is natural nor good.

At the heart of many arguments I am currently exploring on these notes of conditioning and suppression of the true nature of humans is
peoples individual autonomy and community connectedness. Factors I believe to be greatly affecting these topics are:
-Patriarchal and pharma-centred healthcare
-Inadequate and chemically saturated food supply
-Technological warfare, impeding humans connection to
each other, nature and damaging innate cognition
-Industrialization of the natural world. "Resource" exploitation
-Profits > people
-Normal > natural

idea :

Using the magic of paint to express Mother Natures beauty.

idea 3 :

painting / illustrating the interconnectedness within nature. ex:
fingerprints & stumps,
veins & lightning & river networks,
trees & lungs & placentas,
bruises & the cosmos,
fish scales

idea 2 :

Using the magic of paint/illustration to express the pain Mother Nature is currently in due to anthropocentrism.

idea 4 :

Using installation to immerse the viewer in the natural world, through touch/sound/sight & lighting
idea 5 :

Through imagery, illuminate some of the health concerns I have around food supply which suppress people heavily by keeping unaware individuals unhealthy and ill.
-GMO'd altered food
-Unnatural ingredients & processing
-Water supply (hormones/filtering)
-Soil nutrient deficiency due to monoculture

All centred on profits over people, especially disease & sickness benefitting pharmaceutical corporations
idea 6 :

In some way create a comparative analysis of live we live now, to how life was lived 100 or 1000 or 10000 years ago, from a optimal health & community perspective
In order to heal the land, the people must be healed first.

How can one truly love what is exterior to them, without loving them self? Without caring for their own wellbeing?
The wellbeing of their friends & family?
Further, the wellbeing of their neighbours and fellow community members?

This is the intersection when one can begin loving what is exterior to the self, where collective love and care for nature and a humanity as a whole exist.